
AfricaTopLove will be free until May 31.  

AfricaTopLove will be free until May 31.  

Dear users. AfricaTopLove will be free until May 31. Talk about it around you and take the opportunity to meet beautiful people. The management

Where do AfricaTopLove users come from ?

Where do AfricaTopLove users come from ?

Where do AfricaTopLove users come from? A recent dive into our data shows the following statistics regarding geographic provenance of members of our platform: 11.5% come from Cameroon, 10.5% from France, 10.4% from Ivory Coast, 7.2% from Togo, 7.2% from Benin, 6.7% from Senegal, 6.4% from Madagascar, 5.5% from Democratic Republic of Congo, 4.3% from Republic of Congo, 3.4% from Algeria, 3.3% from…